If it's your data. You own it.

We work for you.

tapestry® is committed to the preservation of and protection of your personal data. We will work tirelessly to protect your personal information. We will never sell your data or allow a third party to access it without your permission.


We will never sell your personal information

We will never sell your personal data to a third party.


We will not sell your attention

We will never sell paid ads on any of our products.


We will always work to provide you with the best experience

We will work to provide you with the highest quality experience possible across
all our products.


You are in control

We will implement and develop simple features and functions so you are
in complete control of your experiences.


We will not audit or edit

We will not remove content from any of our products based on political preference.
Read our full privacy policy

What we believe is of value.






At the core of every decision we make, everything we design and every line of code we write are the things we choose to value. We believe that these values are the best fit for the way we relate to each other.

Some call it unfair. We call it smart.

Learn more about tapestry®